Meetings and events

Event N Location Planned date Name Type Area
1-WP1 Bologna, Italy January 2024 Kick-off Meeting Management meeting 1st steering committee, designation of quality committee members; signature of the partnership agreement.
2-WP2 Evora, Portugal June 2024 Workshop on Erasmus+ opportunities Workshop The workshop will allow the attendees to be acquainted with Erasmus+opportunities, notably as regards  KA1 mobilities and KA2 CBHE projects,  eligibility criteria, funding rules and awards criteria.
3-WP2 Quang Ninh City, Vietnam September 2024 Workshop on available tools Workshop The workshop will allow the attendees to be acquainted with the tools made available by the European Commission for partnership building, search of funding opportunities, Grant management and reporting (FTOP). 2nd steering committee meeting.
4-WP3 Hue City, Vietnam November/ December 2024 Training on project design and management Training EU partners will transfer their knowledge to Vietnamese partners so to allow the trainees to be acquainted with project design, implementation and management tools and procedures. 3rd steering committee meeting.
5-WP3 Evora, Portugal January/ February 2025 Training on budget preparation and brainstorming on CBHE project implementation plan Training EU partners will transfer their knowledge to Vietnamese partners so to allow the trainees to be acquainted with budget preparation principles, internal and external auditing procedures and accountability measures. A brainstorming will take place in order to define the CBHE project’s implementation plan, monitoring measures, impact and sustainability.
6-WP4 Viterbo, Italy June 2025 Workshop on capitalizing students’ and staff’s mobility experiences Workshop The workshop will allow the attendees to be acquainted with specific knowledge on how to build-up cooperation arrangements in favour of students and staff mobilities between Vietnamese and EU universities, including KA1 mobility project preparation, based on EU partners’ best practices and long lasting experience of HANU.
7-WP4 Hanoi, Vietnam (HANU) December 2025 Success story telling seminar  Seminar Vietnamese staff and students having benefited from outbound mobility towards EU countries through KA1 projects will share their experiences, highlighting the impact in terms of personal and professional growth. 4th steering committee meeting.
8-WP6 Hanoi, Vietnam (NAPA) June 2026 Sustainability meeting on internationalization monitoring tool Management meeting Once the best solutions in terms of indicators and IT tools explored, the project partners will discuss and validate the most fitting monitoring tool on internationalization progress, in accordance with their needs and expected results. 5th steering committee meeting.
9-WP6 Hanoi, Vietnam (HANU) November 2026 Sustainability meeting on internationalization virtual center Management meeting The Vietnamese partners, guided by the EU partners, will discuss the contents of an agreement aimed at detailing the roles, rights and obligations of each member of internationalization virtual center. 6th steering committee meeting.
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